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Guild Ranks and Promotions



Getting promoted is easy:

  1. Be active

  2. Talk in Discord text channel (voice if you like but optional)

  3. Talk in guild chat

  4. Help other players

  5. Be respectful and nice to others

  6. Make Guild Wars 2 fun for all


We are easy going and don't require in game fees, or play time requirements. We do however require you to play with the other guild members. Not all the time, but if we are doing something and you are free we want you to join us. 


Guild Owners:

Dragon Lord

Lucid Lady

Inner Circle:

Witchblade- official name but only 10 ranks allowed

Lord of Pain- official name but only 10 ranks allowed

High Counsel:

Shadow Keeper- official name but only 10 ranks allowed





Dragon Agent

Dragon Initiate

Lucid Minion

Twisted Minion

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